Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm so glad...

That my hubby likes to cook.

That he LOVES playing with his little girls.

 That he loves singing and playing the guitar for us.

And that he will play in the snow with me at 1 AM.

I could go on and on about this great man of mine, like how he loves to make me laugh, never hesitates to get up for a 3 AM feeding, changes diaper after diaper, takes charge of bath time, gives me foot rubs, helps clean, encourages me, and how much he loves his girls...but for now, I will just say that I'm so blessed to be married to such an awesome man. I love you Kyle!


  1. I love you, Wendy! I'm so blessed to have such an awesome wife and mother to my kids. Thank you for your smiles, your heart, and your support!

  2. Yay for awesome husbands!!! :-) What a fun post!
