Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fall Learning

Here is some fun fall activities we've done the last few weeks. I know that fall is over (well, not really, but we're moving on to Christmas fun) but I wanted to document what we've done so I can remember for next year.

I saw this on pinterest. Basically you cut the top off of a small pumpkin, fill it with soil, water, place in sunlight and the seeds will grow!

I was really surprised at how well it grew! Finley & I talked about the steps we took and she drew a picture of her pumpkin. Both girls loved running to the window each morning to hold the pumpkin.

We did this neat little chart of how a pumpkin grows!
Acorn painting. (Put paper in a pan, add paint and an acorn and roll the acorn around)

Indian Corn. Ro's is on the left, Finley's is on the right. I love how Finley did hers all in a line.


Here is another picture sort Finley did. She sorted the pictures based on whether or not the word started with a M or S. I don't know if you can see it, but at the bottom Finley wrote out "M" and "S."

Here is the Indian Corn we grew. It is out.of.control.. Seriously! I just stuck it in water and the thing exploded with green! I've never been able to grow anything, but this was just super easy. Each kernel is a seed and you can really tell, some of them fell off and the girls could see the roots, seed, and shoots. Very cool learning experience!

I printed out this little calendar to put with our big calendar. The math curriculum we're using does a big lesson on calendars and I wanted to make it more meaningful for Finley. Maile gave me the idea of letting Finley add special days on a calendar. So we added a turkey sticker for Thanksgiving day, Finley wrote a "D" on each Tuesday for dance class. She also wrote a "C" on each Wednesday for Cubbies. We added a flower sticker on the 20th since that was Grandma's birthday. Finley also crossed out each day with a red marker.

This is a little activity found here. It was great to practice counting and number identification with Rowynn. She did pretty good too!

Finley, working on fine motor skills.

Finley practicing counting, number identification, and fine motor skills (circling the correct number).

This was a new kind of activity. I read the description to Finley and she had to circle the correct picture. We had to practice and I showed her different examples, but she got the idea and it was great practice for her following directions.

Rowynn did great on this small, medium, big sort.

Our thankful tree. The girls said they were thankful for: Mac-n-cheese, froggie, my toys, my books, princesses, Mimi & Papaw, Grandma & Grandpa, their sister & brother, Mrs. Lisa the dance teacher, Jesus, Momma, Daddy, Cinderella, God, food, tea parties, bananas, Lenny & Lemonade (our pets), sisters, my bed, eyes, and cupcakes. Such a fun family tradition!
I love how this turned out! I did it on a canvas so it can be a part of our Thanksgiving décor each year. If you notice the "feathers" are each personalized. Finley got purple (her current favorite color) Rowynn got "froggie" since she adores her froggie and thinks it is an actual color. And Em got blue since he is a boy!

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