I found both of these cute ideas at
http://www.teachpreschool.org/. She's got some wonderful ideas!!!
This morning I put together this cute little hot chocolate tray. OH.MY.WORD.....BEST.THING.EVER. They l-o-v-e-d it. I cleaned out an old cocoa container and filled it with cut-up brown construction paper, put some cotton balls (for marshmallows) in a zippie, dug out our espresso cups, and got a pot and play milk from our play kitchen and let the girls have at it. We talked about the steps involved for making hot chocolate and counted marshmallows. Finley was so cute, repeating the steps and it was great fine motor practice for her to scoop out the "chocolate" and put in the cup. And Rowynn was stinkin' adorable! She was taking pretend sips and loving every minute of it! They both spent most of the morning playing with it.

I found these bells at the dollar store...score! I love that place. I set up this little tray on our puzzle tray and we've been singing Jingle Bells all week! Both girlies love ringing the bells. There is also a cute song on the teach preschool website that we've been singing.
(To to tune of Jimmy Cracked Corn)
Ring those bells and turn around
Ring those bells and turn around
Ring those bells and turn around
For Christmastime is near
Ring those bells and stomp your feet
Ring those bells and stomp your feet
Ring those bells and stomp your feet
For Christmastime is near
We listened to the different sounds the bells made and practiced ringing them softly and ringing them loudly (which surprisingly they both mastered rather quickly..ha!)
I don't want Christmas to end!!! Happy Wednesday!